
The Trade Insight Biweekly No. 643
The Trade Insight Biweekly No. 643

The cover story of this issue talks about how to make good use of technological innovation to provide more convenient smart assistive devices to take care of the elderly in need.

Among companies that provide smart assistive devices, Aaron Chang, CEO of Osmile, pointed out that the care of elderly people with dementia has become an indispensable issue in the global aging trend. According to the "Global Status Report on the Public Health Response to Dementia" published by WHO in 2021, there are more than 55 million people with dementia worldwide; this number is expected to grow to 139 million by 2050. Dementia-related costs are estimated at $1.3 trillion per year, with projected care costs likely to increase to $2.8 trillion by 2030. ADI's 2015 Global Dementia Report stated that one person in the world will develop dementia every 3 seconds.

Faced with the global cost of dementia care, which is as high as trillions of dollars, R&D team from Osmile will continue to upgrade the remote care system based on AI technology, so that the elderly with dementia around the world can enjoy food, clothing, housing, transportation, leisure, safety, and health through the care of family members and long-term care centers, leading to a safer, more convenient and more satisfying life!

Osmile Remote Care System:



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